Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Facts about India


Here are some of the interesting facts that I came across today while vethubrowsifying at work:

- This natural event, which happens every 50 years, causes dread in India's Mizoram State.
Melocanna Baccifera(Bamboo) flowers every 50 years in the Indian state of Mizoram - its blooming brings tens of millions of hungry rats. After they devour the bamboo fruit, the rats demolish precious crops like rice. The last outbreak began in late 2006 and continued thru 2008.

- Parsis of India leave the dead bodies to be devoured by vultures.
Their zoroastrian faith prohibits from tainting earth, wind, or fire with their corpses - have for centuries exposed their dead to scavenging birds. Recently, diminishing numbers of vultures in India have pushed the Parsis to rely on the gradual effects of the elements to claim their dead.

- Snow leopards are the elusive animals that prowl the mountains of India and they are rarely seen.
Snow leopards live up to their reputation for being impossible to find. Secretive, well camouflaged, and usually solitary, the cats are most active at night and in the twilight hours of dusk and dawn, prawling amid the most formidable tumult of mountains on earth, including the Himalaya.


Raji said...

That's good info :)

Shobana said...

Very interesting read Saranya! So many things happen in India, and I have to say that I have never heard about them..especially about the rats in Mizoram, even though I had the oppurtunity of knowing a few Mizoram-ians.

Saranya Arunprakash said...

I have never come across any Mizoram-ian so far.

Anonymous said...

Nice post and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you seeking your information.